Call: 01530 835400
NS Engineering offers both precision and general purpose machining through a wide range of machinery operated by highly-skilled and experienced staff.
We offer CNC and conventional turning on lathes capable of producing components up to 900mm in diameter and 3100mm long. All our CNC lathes have the Fanuc control operating system, helping reliability & flexibility on the production line.
We also offer CNC milling which can produce components up to 3.6 metres by 1 metre by 1.1 metre in size.
Slotting / Drilling are also done on our premises as both a dedicated & complimentary process.
Our dedicated manufacturing software system enables us to track and monitor all parts and work orders and also guarantee full batch or serial traceability as required by our customers.
We subcontract out other services to dependable partner companies who we have worked with for many years. They meet the criteria and quality standards to be considered trusted suppliers under our accredited ISO quality management system.
All the work we subcontract is managed by us and fully inspected under our quality assurance processes before being delivered to the customer.